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Главная » 2009 » Август » 22 » Official RUOSI answer to any of insinuations
Official RUOSI answer to any of insinuations
As a mature person, I never reacted on any speculations about my project. But i think that now it is the time to "cross the T's and dot the I's".

First of all, you, stupid yankee, stop speaking about Russia and about our life, laws, politics, etc. If you want to speak about politics, i will do it with special pleasure - but will tell you about YOUR politics, YOUR damn democracy (that is hated in all world), YOUR wars for oil and other valuable natural resources in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc, YOUR economy that depends on economy of all world, YOUR global debts (yeah, your dollar don't cost even printed paper). Wanna speak about it, AntiBasic? If no, shut up.

Second, let's speak about the past: decompiling the runuo core 1.0. Yeah, it was decompiled and recompiled (technically not only by me, but by the group of russian programmers). It was done when RunUO was CLOSED source project with NO chance to have sources opened. We tired to wait while RunUO Team will develop and release something new. We couldn't develop UO:SE support without core sources and we got sources. Yes, we're planning to release it with only one goal - that everyone will no longer depend on RunUO Team. Have knowledge? Have time? Don't wait RunUO Team - code it yourself.

One more thing: RUOSI Team contained of 3 mans for UO:SE expansion and contains of 1 man (me) for ML/KR/SA expansions support.

Next, I want to remember that before releasing core sources, RunUO Team didn't release often new project versions. Wanna to know the reason? They installed it to their own servers (they wanted all players they could get). They also told about special subscriber's forums (with donate access only), where they're releasing new versions. It was a lie: i personally read these forums - it contained nothing but subscriber's scripts. It also contained a lot of blah-blah by mr. Phantom. It was very cool to pay (or if you wish call it 'donate') and get access to forums with NOTHING from RunUO Team :)

Next, let's speak about the time after RunUO Team (after our plans to release decompiled code) decided to make core open source. They told: you can get our code and make your own changes under GPL and your code will be some kind of 'forks'. Okay, we did it - we got code of runuo 1.0, didn't remove their copyrights, added all messages about the original core source code's authors. But, even after this - they didn't stop to tell that we use decompiled source. LOL, we're releasing server versions with open source, THEIR open source with our changes. Ok, enough about us. Let's speak about another fork - SunUO - written by talented programmer Max Kellermann. That fork was written for support server on *nix based computers. He never decompiled runuo, he never had any problems with RunUO Team. But what did he get? Same situation - his code is bad cause it written not by RunUO Team. Do you remember situation when Max found critical vulnerability in RunUO code and tell RunUO Team about it with adding simple little program that demonstrated work of this bug? I remember - RunUO Team blames him, called it hacker. Enough?

Finally, it's time to speak about AntiBasic liar:
my code never steal any accounts names/passwords. Wanna know why? Cause i never release/distribute binaries - only sources both for core and scripts. If server's developer/owner cannot read the code - it's not my problem. So, shut up, AntiBasic and stop speaking things you know NOTHING about.

P.S. About quality: any code contains bugs/typos/etc, even RunUO Team - i can tell you about errors that i found in original RunUO - but i will not. About development time: ML was released in August 2005. I had it fully supported up to November 2005. KR was release in June 2007. I had it full support in Jule-August 2007. And i'm working alone. RunUO Team is still doing ML (yeah, almost 4 years). Nothing about KR support. And i think the same story will be with SA support. So, stop talking and start doing something. If you're professionals, you should proof it by your deeds, not by your blames & flood.

With no respect to RunUO Team and their friends, Wyatt.
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