FIXES: - Fixed bug with fillable containers: now players can't lift items in it without stealing - Test Center set skill script no longer allows players to set SE skills on non-SE shards or AOS skills on non-AOS shards - Fixed obscure core bug where items spawned inside containers using the container OnLocationChange event would not be visible - Sphynx's damage was fixed - Some fixes with etherials - Fixed bug with armor repairing - Fixed bug with Gloves Of Sun artifact - Rewritten throwing abilities - Fire Beetle and Lesser Hiryu now can be bonded - Fixed bug with Evasion spell - Fixed bug with Mirror Image spell ADDITIONS: - Traffic Analyzer for players and server - Perfomance tab in admin panel now shows an overview of buffer pools to identify tuning or leakage issues and incoming/outgoing traffic for time of server's work - Champion spawns generator and controller - Core: - NetState class: - Incoming and Outgoing long variables for NetState's counting of traffic - Core class: - Incoming and Outgoing long variables for summary counting traffic per server's session work - Commands: - [Caps command for editing caps of targeted mobile - [Traffic: players can learn how many incoming and outgoing traffic they have in their session - Items: - GreanTeaBasket - Mobiles: - Necromancer CHANGES: - Lifetime of Packets must now be strictly defined: if you want to send the same packet instance twice, you must first Acquire() it, and Release() it when finished. If you attempt to send a non-acquired packet twice, you will receive a warning in net_opt.log and the packet _WILL NOT_ be sent - Sending packets now reuses buffers when appropriate, reducing memory allocation rate - SendQueue.CoalescePerSlice is no longer optional. Coalesce can no longer be disabled by using 0 for CoalesceBufferSize; instead, use a very high value (not recommended). - Initial capacity of the NetState receive buffer pool doubled to 2048, relieving performance strain on servers that peak at over 1024 client count - Mana cost for inscribing necro scrolls was updated to OSI - Item's smelting now works likes OSI - No longer check CanCraft at double clicking on tool - Perfection luck bonus was updated to OSI - Confidence stance now lasts for 30 seconds instead 15 - Counter Attack stance now lasts for 60 seconds instead 30 - Weigth of some food was updated to OSI - Miscellanious changes in repair system - Some tweaks in tailoring craft menu - Items in vendor's lists now displayed in correct order - Publish 27: - Added level 5 treasure maps for rotting corpses